The Most Valuable Lessons I've Learned As A Working Mum

Well, well- it's been a while, hasn't it? Here's the thing- life can really be quite the whirlwind. Between the demands of working, the never ending joys and challenges of motherhood, and, well, the unpredictable twists life likes to throw at us every once in a while, my blog took a backseat for a bit. But here's the good news: I'm back (for now), and I come bearing a wealth of lessons I've learned over the last few years. As a working mom striving to balance it all, my hiatus was not just about embracing the chaos, but also about uncovering the gems hidden within it.

Here are some of the most valuable lessons I've learned while navigating motherhood and my career at the same time:

The power of resilience

Life likes to often remind us of its knack for throwing curveballs just when we think we've got it all figured out. Whether it's an unexpected project at work or a sudden illness in the family, I've learned that flexibility and resilience really is a superpower. Challenges are an inevitable part of life, and I've come to realise that the sooner I accept this, the better. Each obstacle I've encountered has taught me resilience – the ability to adapt, persevere, and emerge stronger than before. Learning to adjust our sails when we navigate through life's challenges has been an invaluable lesson that I'll always carry with me.

Prioritize with precision

Balancing the demands of a career, family commitments, and personal growth is a truly intricate dance. There's such a delicate equilibrium between these roles, which is why it's so important to be hyper-focused and precise with prioritising whilst still staying true to your aspirations and goals. It teaches me that the ebb and flow of these responsibilities can reveal invaluable lessons, from patience during hectic moments, to the art of gracefully letting go when things don't always go as planned.

A pause is a catalyst

Sometimes, I have moments in life where I don't feel as productive or focused, and the things which I thought were a priority no longer feel as important anymore. I beat myself up every time this happens, and try to avoid this happening again. Lo and behold, the same thing happens weeks later. However, I've now learned to embrace these 'pauses', and use them as chances to reflect, and to take a deep breath. These moments have been a space for me to reflect on the whirlwind around me and to explore new perspectives. They've shown me that taking a step back or a pause doesn't mean standing still; rather, it acts as a catalyst, propelling me forward with renewed enthusiasm and a clearer sense of direction.

Quality over quantity

Like most of us, I've always been taught this from the early years, but it never really sunk in until I became a mum. I've now learned that it's not about the clock ticking away or the number of hours spent; it's about the quality of the time spent with my children, and cherishing every little moment that I do spend with them. In a world where we're constantly running around trying to be in multiple places at once, being present in the now and engaging in meaningful conversations is something of real quality. Making eye contact when we talk, laughing until our bellies hurt, spending real uninterrupted time with one another- these memories are the real gems that truly matter.

Self-care is everything

The demands of being a working mom can be all-encompassing, but I've come to recognize that self-care isn't a luxury; it's a vital necessity. I've learned to prioritize the moments that replenish my energy and rejuvenate my spirit. Whether it's stealing away for a quiet cup of coffee, indulging in a soothing bath, or losing myself in some escapism reality TV, these self-care moments infuse me with the strength to conquer the challenges of each day and cherish the moments of joy.

Celebrate the small wins

In the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, commitments and house chores, it's easy to overlook the small victories that pepper each day. Yet, I've discovered that celebrating these little wins really adds a layer of happiness to my general outlook and attitude. From successfully navigating the morning nursery runs to finishing a project at work on time, each accomplishment, no matter how modest, deserves recognition and a moment of celebration.

Perfection is a myth

Once upon a time, I strived for perfection in all I did. Motherhood is messy, it's unpredictable, and it has artfully shattered my illusion that perfection is something that can be achieved. The imperfect moments have taught me that vulnerability and authenticity are far more beautiful than striving for flawlessness. In fact, embracing the chaos and imperfections of life has allowed me to connect more deeply with both my own emotions and those of my family- and that's where the magic happens!

You can't do it without a tribe

Here's a little secret: superheroes need backup too. My support network – from my husband, my family, to my mum tribe – has been my lifeline throughout this journey. They listen, they empathize, and they remind me that I'm not alone in this juggling act. Navigating the waters of working motherhood is a hundred times smoother when you have a strong support network- be it through family, friends, or a wider community. Their understanding, encouragement, and shared experiences are a constant reminder that the journey of a working mom is a collective endeavor. Through their presence and empathy, I learned that connecting with like-minded souls can provide solace, strength, and a reminder that we're never truly alone on this path.

This working mum gig is a crazy rollercoaster, but let's be real – it's also incredibly rewarding in so many ways. The lessons I've learned over the years have taught me so much more than how to be better at my job or how to be a better mum. These little triumphs have taught me about life, growth, and making the most of every day. So, as we juggle spreadsheets and sippy cups, let's remember that each day is a lesson in discovering ourselves in ways we never thought possible. Here's to the mayhem, the giggles, and the beautiful chaos of being a working mum!

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